
Tantum Conjuncti Floremus – “Only Together We Flourish”

Silofais (or Silōfais in the Silōs language) is a micronational republic belonging not to any one person, but to all Citizens collectively.

We are united by common goals, namely:

  • To realize a nation which represents fairly and accurately its Citizenry;
  • To undertake the Law and codify the same, through and by an active, responsible Government;
  • To promote the Silōs language;
  • To express ourselves artistically, intellectually, and otherwise creatively; and
  • To safeguard our unique culture.

We recognize the Equality of Man, as well as the natural, inalienable Rights endowed by our very Nature.

We accept as a Citizen any person who shares our Values, and who wishes either to participate in our Government, or to defend its Power to make and defend our Laws.

We welcome you to Silofais, and hope to make your acquaintance soon.



That those peoples may become united, who speak the language of Silōs or Latina Cemellāna, for their mutual benefit and against their common enemies;

That the nation may become a state in which the same retain their inherent independence, and enjoy the benefits and aid of Citizenship;

That the state may become recognized, respected and trusted, during the course and development of interstate connections, in politics, economics and art;

That those Citizens may have public order, maintain the general welfare and principles of justice, and protect for themselves their inherent Liberties, Rights and Privileges;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN THAT WE, the undersigned representatives, do ordain and establish for the nation of Silōfais this Constitution, whereupon the value of Sovereignty, the foundation of Law and the preservation of Tranquility are laid down and become a binding force for all Citizens thereof.